September 14, 2009

It's been a busy three weeks.
Las Pozas
We've had two separate family visits
which prompted us
to look into trips
around the area
and around Mexico
that we have been wanting to take.

First, we went to
Where we've been so many times and love.
Then local things like the Tuesday market
Walking around town
A tour of the Rancho Canada de La Virgen
(another post that I'm working on)
Then this trip to the very unique Las Pozas in Xilitla.
Las Pozas is Edward James'
surrealistic, labyrinth, Jungle Castle
In the Sierra Gorda Mountains....

The stories about this incredible place are to come
Over the next week - there was so much to see and absorb -
In this inspiring wonderland in the jungle.
This album below has a selection of photos.

For now, here's the movie of the ride there,
Plus the walk through las Pozas

And the album of pictures
Over 300 photos - be warned!

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